Lunes, 2025-01-13, 3:16 PM
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Atrapado en una habitación encantada por su tío abuelo, el aventurero Titus te necesita para romper el hechizo que le tiene prisionero. Para ello, debes enfrentarte a los más desafiantes rompecabezas de Azada . Resuelve los enigmas y descubre las páginas perdidas de un libro mágico para poder liberar a Titus de su prisión.
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I have to agree that my estimation might not be 100% acacture, but please take a note that it was based on a top 10 game results and other data from 2008. The game has generated around 20k$ in the first month.Things have changed since then however. Several other big portals has been closed and BFG has gained new clients. I've read that in 2010 they had over twice more downloads per day than in 2008 (official BFG statement). That would mean you have to multiply my final results by 2 at least. If they improved their CR also (let's say 50% better just guessing) it would give 3 times more sales. That would give 60k$ for top 10 games, 45k$ for games ranked 11-20 and 30k$ for games ranked 21-30. But I suspect that together with new clients the distribution of sales has changed too (more top games sold, less bottom games sold). I'm going to revise my original estimation based on both known facts and unconfirmed feedback and put it in an another post, so I really appreciate your comment. Just have to grab more data and find the time to write it

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